How Can You Keep Pets Calm During Fireworks?

How to keep pets calm during fireworks


We all love a dazzling firework display, however, for our furry friends, they can be a cause for anxiety and stress. The loud noises, bright lights and sudden bursts can be overwhelming for pets leading to fear and discomfort. As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our beloved animals safe during these celebrations. The popular question asked by all pet owners at the time of festivities is ‘How can you keep your pets calm during fireworks’. Well in this blog we are going to give you some expert tips and ways you can try to calm the nerves of your pets during these stressful times.

Creating A Safe Space

Designate a quiet and comfortable area in your home where you can keep your pets during fireworks. Make sure this space is away from windows and doors to minimize the exposure to noise and light. Provide familiar items for them such as their bed, favourite toys and treats to make them feel secure.

  • Closing Curtains and Blinds

Closing your curtains and blinds helps to minimize the visual stimulation caused by fireworks. Dimming the lights can also help to create a safe, calming atmosphere for your pet. By reducing the exposure to bright flashes, you help to relieve some of the stress for your pets.

  • Use White Noise or Music

Drowning out the sound of the fireworks with calming white noise or soothing music can help create a more peaceful environment for your animals. Some good suggestions would be classical music, nature sounds, or specifically designed pet relaxation playlists

  • Desensitize Your Pets

Sometimes, gradually exposing your pet to the sound of fireworks can help reduce their fear when real fireworks happen. You can do this by playing recorded firework sounds in the days leading up to the event. Start on low volume and gradually increase it, rewarding them with a treat and positive reinforcement.

  • Provide Comfort

Often pets pick up their owners’ emotions, so remaining calm during firework displays is essential. Reassure your pet with gentle pats, soothing words and treats. Your presence can really help to make your animals feel safe.

  • Anxiety-Reducing Products

Anxiety-reducing products such as pheromone diffusers, calming sprays or anxiety wraps can help your pet massively with the stress from fireworks. A good product to check out is the equafleece – which is highly recommended to help calm your dog down during stressful events.


  • Consult Your Veterinarian

If your pet has severe anxiety during fireworks and other loud events, speak to your pet’s veterinarian. These professionals can provide guidance on any anti-anxiety medication or other interventions specific to your pet’s needs.

Conclusion –

Celebrating special occasions with fireworks is a time-honoured tradition, however, it is really important we consider the well-being of our pets. By following these tips and being proactive in creating a calming environment, you can ensure that your furry friends feel safe and secure during fireworks displays. A little extra care will go a long way in making festive occasions enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Now we’d love to hear from you! What are some additional techniques or answers to the popular question – how can you keep pets calm during fireworks?

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